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 | The Basics of Bulbous Bows  In the late 1950s research was undertaken to reduce the drag on large commercial cargo ships. Many different ideas were tried and continue to be tried today in the ongoing development of the science of Naval Architecture. With model testing and advanced knowledge of hydrodynamics, the bulbous bow was formulated typically giving a 5% reduction in fuel consumption over a narrow range of speed and draft. This was significant for a large ship crossing vast oceans at a time when the cost of fuel was rising. Patrick J. Bray. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3554) | Rate | Visit
 | The Case for Lofting  The reasons for and benefits of lofting and gives the basics of lines drawings and offset tables. Dudley Dix. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3180) | Rate | Visit
 | The causes of boat hull blisters  The problem of fiberglass gel coat blistering has plagued the boat business, both recreational and commercial, for the past 15 to 20 years, reaching significant importance within the past decade. By Thomas J. Rockett, Ph.D. and Vincent Rose, Ph.D (Added: 18-Apr-2002 Hits: 1198) | Rate | Visit
 | The Design Spiral for Computer-Aided Boat Design  This article describes the overall boat design spiral process and its relationship to modern computer-aided design and engineering tools. Each major phase of design (design statement, conceptual design, preliminary design, and detailed design) is discussed in detail with examples of how the computer can effectively optimize the boat and speed the design process. Stephen M. Hollister. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3543) | Rate | Visit
 | The Ideal Motor Sailor  For long range passagemaking does the motor sailor have merit? What is the optimum hull form for a motor sailor? What's the best rig choice? Can a motor sailor be fast and efficient? This article attempts to answer these questions with an eye toward the requirements of ocean voyaging. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3304) | Rate | Visit
 | The Junk Rig  The junk rig shares many of the virtues of the gaff rig. The "Junk" rig or "Chinese Lug" rig is easy to handle, very easy to reef, easy and inexpensive to build, easy to rig, has no complex hardware, requires no winches, is easy to maintain, involves very low rigging stresses, provides a low center of effort so requires less beam or depth of keel, and at least in my view, looks great! Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3512) | Rate | Visit
 | The New U.L.D.B. Sailboats  Today's U.L.D.B.s are commonly built of high technology materials with ballast ratios around 50% of their total weight. These long, sleek, feather weights tend to sail on their ears, making them less desirable as cruising vessels despite their other advantages. Bray Yacht Design. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2914) | Rate | Visit
 | The Yacht Design Process  The boat design process is made up of a series of incremental steps, much like the building process itself. This is a summary of how a new yacht design is created; an outline of how an entirely new boat is imagined, sketched and drawn. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 4490) | Rate | Visit
 | To Home Build or Not  More home-built boats begin construction in any given year then shop-built boats. And while many home-built boats are beautiful examples of marine craftsmanship the majority are never finished. Therefore it is essential prior to constructing your dream vessel to be totally realistic (or as realistic as one can be in a dream) to the costs and hours involved. Bray Yacht Design. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3812) | Rate | Visit
 | Trailerable Trawlers  An article containing a few bits and pieces of interest to trailering. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2621) | Rate | Visit
 | Transverse Stability and Longitudinal Trim Articles  Transverse stability is first defined and practical application formulas are presented. The includes the effects of weights and moments on one side. The effects of displaced volume properties on the other side. Concepts like metacentric height are utilized. Then the effects of weight distribution and vessel hydrostatic response in the longitudinal direction are then described and trim formulas are derived and presented for application. Someone with a basic algebra background should be able to understand and benefit from these articles. (Added: 20-Sep-2006 Hits: 1051) | Rate | Visit
 | U.S. Navy Ferro Cement Boat Building Manual - Volume 1  A training aid and guide for ferro-cement boat building. Covers the two basic construction methods – the upright welded cage and the inverted wood mold techniques. The "Upright
Welded Cage Method" is described from lofting through launching in Volume I. The construction of a 65-foot Patrol Boat Hull is demonstrated. (Added: 15-Mar-2006 Hits: 1225) | Rate | Visit
 | U.S. Navy Ferro Cement Boat Building Manual - Volume 2  Covers ferro cement boat building plastering tools and their use, preparation for plastering, plastering, steam curing and hull repair. Applying the mortar to a ferro-cement hull is hard work. The chemical action of setting cement waits for no man. The people undertaking this strenuous and exacting job must work hard and fast to properly apply the mortar to a hull. The mortar must thoroughly penetrate the mesh, and be smoothly finished both inside and out or all the good work preceding plastering can be destroyed.
Plastering is an extremely critical stage of boat-building but the most rewarding. (Added: 15-Mar-2006 Hits: 842) | Rate | Visit
 | U.S. Navy Ferro Cement Boat Building Manual - Volume 3  This is a record of the building of ten 42-ft. fishing boats in the Bahamas. It illustrates the methods, equipment and organization required
to construct ten ferro-cement boats on a remotely situated beach, with relatively unskilled labor. Much of this record is devoted to the fitting
out of a ferro-cement boat. It is in some detail, and it concerns one particular design of fishing boat. The construction method chosen was the
inverted wooden mold. For hulls up to 50 feet in length, and for utilizing unskilled labor, this method has been shown to be most efficient providing that adequate lifting and rolling gear is available. (Added: 15-Mar-2006 Hits: 1035) | Rate | Visit
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