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Minimum Induced Drag of Sail Rigs and Hydrofoils  0
Optimum planforms for sail rigs and hydrofoils having a single, planar lifting surface. (Added: 25-Mar-2002 Hits: 1236) | Rate | Visit
NC Parts Cutting Example  0
The aluminum tug-yacht Boojum made excellent use of NC cutting. Here are several images taken during the course of Boojum's construction, along with a brief description of the various steps along the way. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2007) | Rate | Visit
New Life for Amnesia  1.00
A decision was made to look into various retrofit options and the choice was narrowed down to a bulbous bow and some form of roll dampening fins. There has been considerable interest in the advantages of bulbous bows and a large data base has been established on the West Coast from work done on fish boats and long range motoryachts. The roll dampening fins were an extra, considered while the boat was out of the water... Bray Yacht Design. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 1420) | Rate | Visit
Plywood Boat Building  2.00
Plywood has always been a favourite material for home builders. Unfortunately plywood has not always enjoyed a good reputation. Poor quality vessels have been launched by builders who did not have a good understanding of required techniques, or chose to ignore them. At the same time, however, many fine vessels have been built to high standards, with excellent results. Bray Yacht Design. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 6690) | Rate | Visit
Radar Arch Design  4.00
Discussion and pictures of a Radar Arch with dingy davits and two position sunshade. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 1774) | Rate | Visit
Radius Chine Plywood Construction  0
Description of this method of plywood construction as used by Dudley Dix for the DIDI range of designs. Dudley Dix. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3904) | Rate | Visit
Radius Chine Steel Construction  0
Describes this method of steel boatbuilding and how it optimises the conflicting needs of aesthetics, ease of construction, cost, performance and resale value. Dudley Dix. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2198) | Rate | Visit
Reverse Engineering 3D Computer Hull Shapes From 2D Lines and Offsets  0
Virtually all boats are developments or extrapolations of previous designs. With the advent of computer-aided design for boats and ships, there is a desire to recreate many of these tried-and-true designs as 3-dimensional surface models to use as references or starting shapes. For others, however, the goal is to recreate a classic design on the computer for study purposes or to build a replica of the vessel. This 2D to 3D reverse engineering problem will be discussed in this article. Stephen M. Hollister. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3907) | Rate | Visit
Rigid Wing Sails  0
Analysis, design, fabrication, and testing of semi rigid sail on a windsurfer. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 1550) | Rate | Visit
Roll Reduction Strategies  3.00
This article was originally prepared as a response to a post to the Trawler World mailing list on the subject of Twin Keels and Roll reduction. It includes a brief description of the research done by Lord Riverdale and includes a summary of the research of others on the benefits of various roll reduction strategies for power vessels and Motor Sailors. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2128) | Rate | Visit
Sections for Proa Boards and Rudders  0
Design of three families of sections for shunting proas. These sections have fore-aft symmetry and rounded edges. Complete coordinates and XFOIL computed data are presented. (Added: 25-Mar-2002 Hits: 1119) | Rate | Visit
Simpson's Rules (and others)  0
"Simpson’s Rules are among the most useful tools that designers have in their 'math toolbox.' They are the simplest to apply, the least accurate of similar methods and the easiest to screw up - when I say similar, I exclude the trapezoidal rule and counting squares." (Added: 4-Dec-2002 Hits: 2158) | Rate | Visit
Stock Boat Designs  0
Answers to those questions, and also outlines what one should ordinarily expect when purchasing a stock design from a marine design office. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 4010) | Rate | Visit
Surface-Piercing Propellers  0
The art of positioning a propeller underneath a boat hull is not a new one. Designers and naval architects have been grappling with every aspect of the propulsion-by-propeller problem for generations, and the result has been the evolution... (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 2577) | Rate | Visit
The Advantages of Twin Keels  0
There has been a growing interest in twin keel boats in North America. When first developed, these boats had large keels to support them when sitting on the mud flats, causing them to be slow in light airs due to excessive wetted surface. Yet these very same boats had to be perfectly at home sailing in the strong winds and rough waters of the North Sea and English Channel. They quickly acquired a reputation as good cruisers as their shallow draft and seaworthiness are features at the top of any cruising man's list. Bray Yacht Design. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3393) | Rate | Visit

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