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 | Estimating Boat Building Costs  This article looks at the economics of boat building, including the possible advantages of building a boat outside the US. This article provides a method for estimating approximate construction costs and design costs for creating a new custom yacht, then compares those costs to those of production boats. Michael Kasten (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 4539) | Rate | Visit
 | Free Standing Rigs  Free-standing rigs are inherently safer, simpler, and more aerodynamically efficient than conventional rigs. They are safer because stayed rigs are held up by hundreds of little parts, any one of which could fail or slip out and cause the rig to fall down. Eric W. Sponberg. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 4051) | Rate | Visit
 | Fuzzy Logic  Details on the use of Fuzzy Logic to sort cruising boats from a data base. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 905) | Rate | Visit
 | Good N.E.W.S. - New Epoxy Wood System  Plywood has always been a favorite material for home builders. The increase availability of good grade epoxies has further enhanced the reliability of plywood constructed vessels. The Gougeon brothers' wood epoxy saturation technique (W.E.S.T.) has advanced the use of laminated wood structures to a point where yachts can be built far stronger and lighter than was previously thought possible using any other material. Bray Yacht Design. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3910) | Rate | Visit
 | GPS Limatations  Low speed velocity calculations by GPS are suspect due to Selective Availability errors. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 829) | Rate | Visit
 | Hydrodynamic Drag of Small Sea Kayaks  The total calm-water resistance (wave plus viscous) of four popular single seat sea kayaks is calculated and compared with experimental results. Michell's integral is used for the wave resistance, the 1957 ITTC line for the skin friction, and a simple empirical formula for the form drag. The agreement of the predicted drag with experiment is generally very good, especially at the lower speeds considered in the present note. At higher speeds, discrepancies are probably due to sinkage and trim effects. Leo Lazauskas, John Winters, and E. O. Tuck. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2476) | Rate | Visit
 | Hydrodynamic Drag of Some Small Sprint Kayaks  Some popular small (0.098 m3 displacement volume) sprint kayaks are compared on the basis of their upright, calm-water, total (wave plus viscous) resistance. Comparisons are also made with the drag of some simple mathematical hullforms, and with a kayak optimised for minimum total resistance under constraints intended to give adequate intact stability. Leo Lazauskas and John Winters. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2065) | Rate | Visit
 | Hydrofoil Basics - A Brief Tutorial  A United States patent for a hydrofoil was defined in the late 1880s, about the same time as the early airplane and airfoil patents. The earliest record of a successful hydrofoil flight is 1894 when the Meacham brothers demonstrated their 14 foot test craft at Chicago. The early attempts to exploit the hydrofoil concept were frustrated by lack of suitable structural materials and power plants. However, advancement in these areas has permitted development over the past 30 to 40 years of reliable and effective hydrofoil ships for both military and commercial applications. (Added: 12-Jan-2002 Hits: 3842) | Rate | Visit
 | Ideal Passagemaker Hull Form  Most of the elements of good boat design are readily apparent when looking at a boat. Among them, one can usually fairly easily judge whether a power vessel is designed to be a true passagemaker, a good coastal cruiser, or possibly a fast boat for short hops in protected water. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 4439) | Rate | Visit
 | Keel Fatigue Analysis  In recent years the performance of monohull racing yachts has dramatically increased, partly due to the introduction of canting keels. This new technology brings challenges for engineers to ensure the keels are designed safely, using available tools and codes of practices. As we have seen as recent as 2013 keels still fail. This is despite the use of high strength materials in their designs. The truth is that their strength, so trustworthy under static loads, is no indicator of fatigue life under repeated, smaller loads. (Added: 29-Jul-2014 Hits: 380) | Rate | Visit
 | Low Drag Racing Kayaks  Genetic algorithm techniques are used to find optimum length and other principal dimensions for K1, K2 and K4 class kayaks over a range of speeds and displacements. A three parameter hullform family is used to investigate the effects of waterline, cross-section, and buttock shapes. Leo Lazauskas and E. O. Tuck. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2095) | Rate | Visit
 | Low Drag Rowing Shells  A displacement vessel of a given loaded weight has a theoretical optimum length which minimizes its total (viscous plus wave) calm-water drag. This length is usually somewhat greater than that of conventional merchant or naval ships but is in an appropriate range for competition boats such as rowing shells. Some simple examples are given to illustrate this property. E. O. Tuck and Leo Lazauskas. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 1941) | Rate | Visit
 | Metal Boats for Blue Water  Any discussion of metal boats inevitably encounters the question of whether a boat should be aluminum or steel. Not often realized is that there are other metals that may be effectively used. "Metal Boats for Blue Water" is intended to provide an overview of the possibilities, and to discuss why one might choose metal for a boat's structure. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2938) | Rate | Visit
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