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 | SNAME  The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (Added: 28-Jan-2000 Hits: 857) | Rate | Visit
 | Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors  SAMS was established during the 1980's by a small group of surveying professionals wishing to advance their craft. Members discuss such topics as standards, recommended practices, damage avoidance, advanced inspection methods, and legal liabilities. (Added: 22-Sep-2001 Hits: 720) | Rate | Visit
 | The Antique boat Museum  Library, boat building school, annual boat shows, and curatorial staff help boat builders restore, reproduce, and refinish wooden boats. (Added: 22-Aug-2001 Hits: 699) | Rate | Visit
 | The International Hydrofoil Society  Volunteer, not-for-profit organization of and for people who design, build, operate, or simply are interested in commercial, military, research, or recreational hydrofoils of any size, power (including human power) or sail. (Added: 18-Oct-2001 Hits: 836) | Rate | Visit
 | Wooden Boat Association of Australia  Groups from throughout Australia, open to all owners, builders, restorers and lovers of boats made of wood. Old, new, carvel, clinker, ply, composite. We don't care. As long as it's got wood. (Added: 9-Jan-2000 Hits: 999) | Rate | Visit
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