25 Woodworking Projects by Peter, H. Spectre  Projects range from a simple bailer to a stunning ship's wheel. Also includes oars, single and double-bladed paddles, louvered doors, an icebox, a skylight, hollow spars, and much more. (Added: 31-Jan-2000 Hits: 2174) | Rate | Visit
Boat Joinery and Cabinet Making Simplified  The woodworking is discussed in such detail that just about anyone, including longtime professionals, is likely to find many useful tricks of the trade. Much more of this and pros will be a dime a dozen. by Fred P. Bingham. (Added: 22-May-2001 Hits: 1685) | Rate | Visit
Building New Instant Boats by Harold H. Payson  Plans for 11 instant boats. Built of plywood, three of them use a tack-and-tape method that eliminates most beveling. There are complete building instructions and plans for the Gypsy, a 15-foot, double-chine outboard speed boat; Windsprint, a 16-foot, double-ended, lug-rigged sharpie; and others. (Added: 5-May-2000 Hits: 2215) | Rate | Visit
Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding Manual  A great how-to text by Iain Oughtred to guide you through any lapstrake project. This book covers materials and ools needed, building the jig, planking, interior construction, and fitting out. Lots of drawings and photos. (Added: 13-Feb-2002 Hits: 1690) | Rate | Visit
Details of Classic Boat Construction : The Hull by Larry Pardey  A wealth of photographs and step-by-step guides to various aspects of boatbuilding, from lofting, floors and framing, through to selection of materials, design considerations, deckbeams, partners and all the myriad details that make up a wooden yacht. There are three appendices on boatbuilding woods, yacht-construction rules and choosing adhesives. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 1929) | Rate | Visit
Devlin's Boatbuilding : How to Build Any Boat the Stitch and Glue Way  Devlin developed this guide to building boats-his or any other designer's-from the building instructions he supplies with his plans. It is a mature, shop- and ocean-tested manual, covering everything from sharpening the tools to launching the finished boat. Appendices include Coast Guard requirements for small boats and a list of stitch-and-glue designers. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 1469) | Rate | Visit
Forty Wooden Boats : A Third Catalog of Building Plans  From the Editors of WoodenBoat Magazine.
"WoodenBoats has compiled a(nother) set of intriguing drawings and lines which have me turning page after page, thinking about the possibilities for building my own boat. I may never actually build any of the boats shown in this book, but I've gotten tremendous enjoyment -- and learned a great deal about the various types of boat hulls, rigs and construction -- while perusing the pages." (Added: 7-Oct-1999 Hits: 1605) | Rate | Visit
How to Build a Wooden Boat  With style & sensitivity, the author David C. McIntosh covers the entire process of traditional boatbuilding from lofting to planking & finishing out. Samuel F. Manning is also an accomplished boatbuilder, and one of the most respected illustrators in the marine field. His clear & comprehensible drawings remove all the mystery from seemingly complex processes. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 1596) | Rate | Visit
The Laminated Wood Boatbuilder : A Step-By-Step Guide  With elaborate full-page drawings, Hub Miller tells everything backward builders need to know to construct beautiful boats from laminated wood. Included are plans for a 12-foot rowing and sailing dinghy, a 28-foot trailerable powerboat, and a 32-foot cruising sailboat, plus all you need to know to adapt this building method to any round-bottom design (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 1832) | Rate | Visit
The New Cold-Molded Boatbuilding : From Lofting to Launching  Reuel Parker, an innovative professional boatbuilder from Florida, has devised a method that uses readily available, self-fairing tongue-and-groove lumber, epoxy sealed and stiffened by two layers of inexpensive plywood topped with glass cloth and epoxy. The result is a rugged, spare, clean hull that needs no framework and is much easier and cheaper to build than a conventional cold-molded boat. (Added: 28-Nov-1999 Hits: 1625) | Rate | Visit
Ultralight Boatbuilding  Ultralight building derives its great strength from the lapped seams and expoxy glue used in the lapstrake plywood construction. No frames are needed; the thwarts and floors provide all the necessary reinforcement. Hill sets down all you need to know--from start to finish--using a sailing skiff and canoe as examples. (Added: 14-Feb-2002 Hits: 1253) | Rate | Visit
Understanding Wood by R. Bruce Hoadley  A comprehensive study of wood as a material for woodworkers. Chapters include: The Nature of Wood, Figure in Wood, Wood Identification, Water and Wood, Coping with Wood Movement, Strength of Wood, Other Properties, Machining Wood, Joining Wood, Finishing Wood, Modifying Wood, and The Woodworker's Raw Materials. (Added: 30-Apr-2000 Hits: 1258) | Rate | Visit
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