A Step-by-Step Guide to Molding Fiberglass  This video offers a step-by-step guide to the process of molding fiberglass. From constructing the plug to building the mold, you’ll see every step in detail. The techniques apply to virtually all types of fiberglass molding including aerospace, automotive, industrial and crafts. You will see a complete demonstration of molding a model aircraft cowling. A kit cowling is developed into a plug that is used to construct the mold. A fiberglass cowling is then laid up in the mold and released. (Added: 10-Dec-2001 Hits: 3395) | Rate | Visit
Boatbuilding with Baltek DuraKote  Details the use of Baltek Durakore to achieve in record speed boats which are "stiffer, lighter, stronger, faster and easier to build than boats made from other materials... The definitive guide to building one-off hi-tech composite power and sail boats of virtually any shape for professional and home builders without time-consuming, costly plugs and conventional fiberglass molds." (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 2546) | Rate | Visit
Building a Fiberglass Boat by Arthur Edmunds.  Art describes two popular projects as examples: a twenty-five foot open boat and a thirty-three foot cruser, but also includes a section on sailboat construction. "By far the most important quality of glass fiber laminates is longevity. Boats built in 1950 are still being used with great success..." "Any conceivable shape can be made from glass fiber when laminating a custom hull" (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 2281) | Rate | Visit
Building Your Kevlar Canoe : A Foolproof Method  Factory-built Kevlar canoes are light (35 pounds for a 17-Footer), strong (40% stronger than fiberglass canoes that weigh twice as much), fast, and maintenance-free. Moran's low-tech method for building these high-tech boats centers on the pink foam sheathing used on houses, a $5 plane, and drywall compound. The method is astonishingly easy and forgiving. The book provides complete plans and building instructions for a stable family canoe, a swift solo canoe, and a wilderness tripper. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 1594) | Rate | Visit
Fiberglass & Composite Materials  An Enthusiast's Guide to High Performance Non-Metallic Materials for Automotive Racing and Marine Use by Forbes Aird. "A book for designers who need to know more about the many different types of composites. It also covers building molds and plugs, geared towards commercial production." (Added: 28-Nov-1999 Hits: 1826) | Rate | Visit
Fiberglass Boat Design and Construction  by Robert J. Scott. The information needed to specify fiberglass materials and scantlings for commercial and pleasure boats up to 100 feet. Scott describes the advantages and disadvantages of alternative materials and structural configurations and summarizes considerations in their selection. Step-by-step examples on laminate design and charts which help in decisions concerning structural loads, safety factors, deflections, and vibrations. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 2873) | Rate | Visit
Fiberglass Boats by Hugo Du Plesssis  A non-technical resource for expert information on the principles of fiberglass construction, as well as sound practice. Author Hugo du Plessis focuses on the kind of boats that dominate the used market, examining fiberglass' durability, weaknesses, effects of use, and the latest research into causes of blistering-or osmosis. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 1250) | Rate | Visit
Heart of Glass  Fiberglass Boats and the Men Who Built Them. In the skilled hands of Dan Spurr this masterly book combines science with passion and breathes life into the story of a boatbuilding phenomenon that changed an entire industry and brought boating to the masses. (Added: 22-Jun-2000 Hits: 1127) | Rate | Visit
Marine Composites by Eric Greene Associates  An in-depth resource covering material properties, fabrication techniques (female mold, one-off, injection, vacuum), design formulas, and modes of failure. Includes many illustrations, tables, graphs, and photos. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 2501) | Rate | Visit
Sailboat Hull and Deck Repair  by Don Casey. With a bit of fiberglass cloth, some resin, and these step-by-illustrated-step explanations, readers will be amazed at the wonders they work. Among the repairs covered: rebedding deck hardware, replacing portlights, fixing leaky hull-deck joints, and repairing cracks, holes, blisters, gouges, and other ailments mortal. (Added: 23-May-2001 Hits: 1220) | Rate | Visit
The Fiberglass Boat Repair Manual  by Allan H. Viatses "It would appear that no matter how bad it looks, there is no problem beyond the scope of the competent fiberglass repairman. Mr. Vaitses has been at this for a long time and with experience in the world of wooden boats ... as well as having been a player in the fiberglass revolution, is able to offer a well-rounded perspective." (Added: 1-Jul-2000 Hits: 1341) | Rate | Visit
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