- Power (12)
| Books on powerboat design and powerboat design reviews. |
- Sail (30)
| Books on sailboat and sailing yacht design, reviews, rigs and rigging. |
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100 Boat Designs Reviewed  Design Commentaries by the Experts (Woodenboat) on a number of boats from powerboats to daysailers and rowboats from designers including Howard Chapelle, John Alden, Henry Scheel, and Joel White. (Added: 2-Oct-1999 Hits: 6046) | Rate | Visit
American Small Sailing Craft  by H.I. Chapelle. IN THE present-day search for small sailing craft, low in cost and easily maintained, the once numerous types of small working boats formerly employed in the longshore fisheries should be considered... (Added: 23-Mar-2005 Hits: 2539) | Rate | Visit
Basic Ship Theory : Hydrostatics and Strength  by K. J. Rawson, E. C. Tupper
The first of two volumes that have become the standard introductory text for undergraduate students of naval architecture, first published in 1968 and most recently revised in 1989. Volume one covers the basic geometry, measurement, safety, structural strength, stability, and the all important floatability. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 4586) | Rate | Visit
Boat Data Book by Ian Nicolson  This third edition has been expanded to include more tables and new data on the latest developments involving anchors, masts, propellers, winches and the like. As before, Nicolson has packed a tremendous amount of detailed information into dozens of easy-to-use tables and graphs, accompanied by clear illustrations and concise, explanatory text. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 3973) | Rate | Visit
Boats With an Open Mind  75 Unconventional Designs and Concepts by Philip C. Bolger
Innovative designs include a planning microtrawler; a glass-galleried, beachable birdwatching boat; a fully enclosed ocean-cruising rowboat; cruising sailboats that take the ground at low tide; power, sail, and rowing boats from 6 to 60 feet. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 3558) | Rate | Visit
Computational Geometry for Ships. H. Nowacki M.I.G. Bloor B. Oleksiewicz  Textbook covering curve defintion, representation, and generation ship curve design, eementary mathematical properties of surfaces, the PDE Method for Surface Generation, Blend Design, Free-Form Surface Design, Numerical Solutions of Elliptic PDEs, Surface Generation, Analysis of Surface Fairness, and Hydrodynamic Evaluation of Generated Surfaces. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 3428) | Rate | Visit
Cruising Designs  Benford Design Group. Design catlog of power and sail cruising designs from 7 - 130'. (Added: 7-Oct-1999 Hits: 5832) | Rate | Visit
Designing Power & Sail by Arthur Edmunds  Written in terms anyone can understand with formulas, tables, line drawings and illustrations to explain the process of design in great detail. A good book for a beginner to start with. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 3828) | Rate | Visit
Fifty Wooden Boats  "An exceptional example of well-written, informative and inspiring cataloque of fifty classical wooden boat designs." (Added: 22-May-2001 Hits: 2575) | Rate | Visit
From My Old Boat Shop  One-Lung Engines, Fantail Launches, & Other Marine Delights. Includes three chapters on building and testing models using a simple towing rig developed by another prominent naval architect, Sam Rabl. Pat Spurlock and Weston Farmer. (Added: 8-Nov-2000 Hits: 2697) | Rate | Visit
How to Design a Boat by John Teale  John Teale, Naval Architect and editor of Motor Boat and Yachting for years, takes the reader step-by-step through the stages of designing both power and sailing boats, while also explaining the reasons behind the process. Sketches and reproductions of working drawings are used throughout. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 5011) | Rate | Visit
Introduction to Naval Architecture  Fully re-organized and re-written successor to the well-known Muckle's Naval Architecture, a single volume reference for students, marine engineers and naval architects alike. By E. C. Tupper (Added: 8-Jan-2001 Hits: 3217) | Rate | Visit
Introduction to Naval Architecture by Thomas C. Gillmer & Bruce Johnson  The engineering fundamentals of naval architecture are emphasized in this basic textbook which develops such topics as ship geometry, strength, and stability, submarine hydrostatics, ship hazards and vulnerability, and ship hydrodynamics. This generously illustrated volume includes numerous example problems and suggestions for additional study. (Added: 1-Oct-1999 Hits: 3274) | Rate | Visit
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