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 | MaxSurf from Formation Design Systems  Excellent Interface and large collection of tools and add-on modules.
Model complex hull geometry with trimmed surfaces and visualise hull shape changes with dynamic updating. Modify with Parametric transformation. Extract key design data via lines, offsets, hydrostatic properties or curve of areas. (Added: 24-Sep-1999 Hits: 41260) | Rate | Visit
 | MBM Project  Tribon M1 / M2 specialized software development. Provides flexible support to Tribon users and specialized Tribon tools for Tribon data extraction and data base management. (Added: 18-Dec-2003 Hits: 3335) | Rate | Visit
 | MultiSurf by Aerohydro  Relational 3D design software. "Complete Marine Design -- hull, deck appendages, structure, interiors, super structures, initial stability, hydrostatics, weights studies, and more" Full and LT 10-surface versions. (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 40663) | Rate | Visit
 | Napa  NAPA, the Naval Architectural PAckage, is a CAE system developed specifically for initial and basic ship design. Designed to cover the most demanding needs of naval architects and marine industry professionals, it is among the most comprehensive systems available yet completely integrated, encompassing all the applications needed from the first project sketches through hull design and fairing, basic structural design, performance predictions and statutory calculations to the final delivery documents. The design of the hull surface is carried out by using the powerful graphical user interface of the NAPA Hull Surface Editor. The creation of any general surface of any shape is possible, through to and including production level fairing. (Added: 20-Jan-2010 Hits: 3678) | Rate | Visit
 | Orca3D  Orca3D Marine Design Software streamlines your design work with a suite of powerful applications that run within the Rhino 3D environment. Conceptualize, model, and analyze, all without transferring files or learning a new program. (Added: 14-Jun-2008 Hits: 4591) | Rate | Visit
 | Paramarine  QinetiQ GRC is the developer of the Paramarine suite of software products, a fully integrated Naval Architecture Design and Analysis product that can handle the complexities of ship and submarine design. Paramarine’s advanced design capabilities are built upon the Siemens PLM Parasolid solid modelling capability. This provides much of the geometric detail required to enable the accurate analytical capabilities – as well as providing excellent geometric exchange with other CAD and CAE systems. (Added: 13-Jan-2014 Hits: 1581) | Rate | Visit
 | PC-SHCP  A complete ship design package for the calculation of stability and longitudinal strength. The program allows you to define hull geometry, perform calculations, produce graphics and print reports. (Added: 3-Apr-2001 Hits: 6306) | Rate | Visit
 | Pias  An integrated computer program for the design of the hullform, calculation of the resistance and propulsion characteristics, tonnage and deadweight, tank capacities, intact stability, grain stability, damage stability, probabilistic damage stability and longitudinal strength of the ship. Modules include Fairway which provides an alternate to NURBS and Locopias loading and damage evaluation. (Added: 5-Jul-2001 Hits: 5523) | Rate | Visit
 | Pintle Gudgeon LLC  Rhino Plug-ins. Intact statical stability, curves of form and cross curves of stability analysis with animation. (Added: 13-May-2012 Hits: 888) | Rate | Visit
 | Prolines by Vacanti Yacht Design Software  Easy interface allows fast 3D multiview development. A NURB surface design and analysis program which also provides hydrostatics calculations, stability, wave and friction drag analysis (Added: 27-Sep-1999 Hits: 28700) | Rate | Visit
 | ProSurf by New Wave Systems  The Nautilus System is an integrated set of computer programs for defining, fairing, analyzing, and constructing any type of boat or ship. Whether you are a first time backyard boatbuilder or a professional naval architect or shipbuilder, we have a program for you. ProSurf, ProBasic and ProChine. (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 19879) | Rate | Visit
 | SeaSolution  CAD system for shipbuilding. SeaSolution is comfortable tool for geometric simulation and design especially for fairing lines and shell plates development. (Added: 17-Feb-2003 Hits: 6629) | Rate | Visit
 | ShipConstructor Software Inc.  ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI) is the creator of the world’s leading AutoCAD-based shipbuilding and offshore CAD/PDM system called ShipConstructor®. The ShipConstructor® software is a Product Information Modeling (PIM) system which captures all information relevant to the 3D design, manufacturing, maintenance, repair and refit of complex marine projects. ShipConstructor® also uses Associative DWG technology which allows for the automatic updating of production output when the design changes. By combining this technology with the PIM approach, ShipConstructor® brings the benefits of true concurrent engineering to the marine design industry. (Added: 27-Dec-2009 Hits: 14077) | Rate | Visit
 | ShipShape  A program for creating, fairing, and interpolating a set of ship’s lines. It has been configured to interface with the existing Wolfson Unit Hydrostatics and Stability suite of programs. (Added: 31-Dec-2001 Hits: 25918) | Rate | Visit
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