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 | AeroMarine Resesarch  The TBDP(c)/VBDP(c) provides a fast, detailed method for the tunnel hull and vee hull powerboat designer or builder to generate a total performance and design analysis. Software makes it easy to predict the effect of any individual or group of design change(s) on the ultimate performance of the hull. The software is a proven, engineering design/analysis program that presents predictive performance results in easy-to-read, comparative-style and graphic format. Includes porpoise analysis and dynamic stability analysis, acceleration and elapsed time predictions. (Added: 17-Mar-2010 Hits: 23680) | Rate | Visit
 | Autoship  Autoship Systems Corporation (ASC) provides leading-edge CAD/CAM software for vessel design and construction, on-board strength and stability monitoring and customized load and stowage planning. ASCs On-board and Load Planning software, Autoload is used at all stages of vessel operations. The program reads data from tank, draft, wind and SCR sensors as well as user-input, and then reports on the condition of the vessel. Autoload is often used in conjunction with ASC-developed load planning modules specific to a vessel type, eg. supply, jack-up, bulk, ro-ro, rig, etc. Ashore, the load planning modules are interfaced with the in-house booking systems and are used to create load plans which are then transmitted back to the vessel thus allowing more optimal loading in shorter time. (Added: 24-Sep-1999 Hits: 85157) | Rate | Visit
 | AVEVA Marine  AVEVA Marine is an integrated suite of software for the design and construction of every type of ship and offshore project. Using powerful object-centric technology, it is the most productive engineering software solution available for the marine industries.(previously Tribon CAD/CAM) (Added: 12-Dec-2000 Hits: 10251) | Rate | Visit
 | BaseLine Technology  Rhinoceros Plug-ins. RhinoStatics offers calculations from within your Rhinoceros model. RhinoStab offers stability calculations from within your Rhinoceros model. RhinOffsets creates a table of offsets from your Rhinoceros model. RhinoLR enables Linear Regression Analysis of an unlimited number of points in Rhinoceros. And GHSView provides interactive viewing of GHS files and conversion to DXF format. (Added: 31-Dec-2001 Hits: 24222) | Rate | Visit
 | CATIA  AEC Ship Hull Design generates a 3D associative model of the hull, and complements other CATIA modules (such as CATIA-CADAM AEC Drawing Production), providing a seamless set of tools of accurate, flexible and productive ship design and production. (Added: 25-Jun-2000 Hits: 13685) | Rate | Visit
 | Creative Systems, Inc. - Creators of GHS  World famous GHS, General HydroStatics, naval architects used since 1972. GHS provides simulations of vessels in fluids and fluids in vessels, as well as damage assessments for naval architects, project and salvage engineers, and the ship industries that build and design barges, buoys, docks, drilling platforms, ships, tanks, yachts, etc. GHS calculates tank characteristics, ground reaction, hydrostatics (buoyancy, stability, and trim), with a variety of options that can be used to create stability books, tables, and reporting intact and damaged (including probabilistic) scenarios. Some of these options are: Condition Graphics, Crane, Floodable Lengths, Load Editor, Longitudinal Strength, Model Converter, Multi-Body, and more. For onboard real-time operations, GLM - GHS Load Monitor, aids ship operators in keeping vessels seaworthy while effectively and efficiently maximizing cargo loads. (Added: 3-Dec-2011 Hits: 3245) | Rate | Visit
 | Delftship  DELFTship is a complete design package for application in the marine industry. It is characterised by its ability to create any kind of hullform, high flexibility, low learning curve and visual approach. It can be used for almost any kind of floating object. DELFTship uses subdivision surfaces to model the hull rather than NURB surfaces. Most hull modeling packages use these parametric spline surfaces which can be very tricky to use. Subdivision surfaces offer many advantages: 1.) No need for a rectangular control grid divided into rows and columns. 2.)More freedom in modeling knuckle lines. 3.)Surfaces can contain holes. 4.)Even the most complex shapes can be created with just one surface. 5.)The possibility to insert just one single control point. (Added: 20-Mar-2007 Hits: 16067) | Rate | Visit
 | Essi2Eia  Software which convert ESSI code to EIA code (Engelhard,Messer, Kioke, Fanuc controllers). Can be used also in TRIBON environment using included ESSI Tribon post processor for conversion of ESSI files. (Added: 20-Aug-2004 Hits: 4387) | Rate | Visit
 | Fastship by Proteus Engineering  The FlagShip System includes modules for ship design, CAD and manufacturing support, and production management. Modules are NavCad, Fastship, GHS, VisualSMP, AgileShip, MAESTRO, EstiMate, ShipConstructor, and Perception. (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 24523) | Rate | Visit
 | FRIENDSHIP-Systems  Easy to use, parametric hull design software for sailing yachts and commercial vessels. Developed for initial design and shape optimization. Supports export to several marine CAD-programs and CFD analysis tools. Hydrostatics module and automated fairing inclusive. Custom interfaces and additional modules on request. (Added: 8-Mar-2003 Hits: 12078) | Rate | Visit
 | HST  The HST Program is for Hydrostatics, Stability and Tank Capacities. The program prepares tabulated results of hydrostatic particulars at a range of draughts and trims and fixed or free to trim GZ and KN stability data Downflooding points may be entered to establish their angles of immersion. The program also compiles tank capacity tables for soundings or ullages, suitable for inclusion in tank calibration books. Centre of gravity, free surface moment , trim and list corrections can also be calculated.
HST has an additional module called HST loading this includes Weights and Centres, Loading Conditions, Longitudinal Strength, Maximum KG and Stability Criteria and Inclining Experiment. (Added: 2-Mar-2005 Hits: 4136) | Rate | Visit
 | HullScant - Wolfson Unit M.T.I.A.  HullScant calculates and reviews the structural scantlings for motor and sailing vessels under 24m. The software package incorporates Final Draft ISO Standard 12215, Part 5. This part deals with pressures and scantling equations for GRP, metal and wood monohull boats. The HullScant software calculates the actual scantling structural properties of a vessel and can compare this with the requirements set out in the ISO standard. The complete materials library from the ISO12215-5 standard is incorporated or the user can enter custom material properties from own test data or other sources. (Added: 1-Dec-2006 Hits: 4570) | Rate | Visit
 | Kus-SHDM  Software tool for designing the sailing hull based on SWL method. (Added: 29-Mar-2004 Hits: 4907) | Rate | Visit
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