 | AussieCat Power Catamarans  Builders of the AussieCat and LeisureCat power catamarans in Australia for fishing, diving, police, charter and pleasure craft. (Added: 26-Sep-2000 Hits: 8552) | Rate | Visit
 | Buzzards Bay Power Catamarans  Builders of custom and semi-custom power catamarans for cruising and fishing. Combines highest levels of sea-keeping comfort, fuel efficiency, and cruising comfort. (Added: 6-Jun-2011 Hits: 1149) | Rate | Visit
 | C-Dory  24' TomCat cruising catamaran & C-Dory boats (Added: 13-Feb-2000 Hits: 8322) | Rate | Visit
 | CyproCat Power Catamarans  Cyprus based CyproCat Marine Industries, builders of CyproCat PowerCat 12 meter power catamarans. Hull design by Malcolm Tennant of New Zealand. (Added: 9-Mar-2003 Hits: 5331) | Rate | Visit
 | Lagoon Power  Lagoon Power, sailing department of the Bénéteau group, specialises in power catamarans. Boats for sale or for rent. Lagoon shows its first power catamaran that combines luxury und technicity. (Added: 27-Mar-2008 Hits: 1995) | Rate | Visit
 | Maine Cat  Maine Cat is a semi-custom catamaran boatbuilder specializing in high performance and fuel efficent power and sailing catamarans. All our current three models are composite construction using Core-Cell foam built in female molds. (Added: 11-Feb-2012 Hits: 1061) | Rate | Visit
 | Pedigree Cats  Builders of custom, luxurious catamarans and trimarans ranging from 46' to 136' megayachts, both power and sail. (Added: 28-Sep-2000 Hits: 6928) | Rate | Visit
 | Power Play Catamarans  Australian builder of power catamarans. A very comfortable, safe, cruising boat and if built in survey she can be left with a charter company. Cruising speed is around 15 knots using 2 75 hp sail drives. (Added: 26-Sep-2001 Hits: 6273) | Rate | Visit
 | Tradewind Island Boatworks  One-off, custom construction of this proven Hawaiian waters design, the Holo 24. All epoxy/composite built to your specific fishing or recreational needs. (Added: 1-Mar-2001 Hits: 3341) | Rate | Visit
Top : Powerboats Catamaran : Cruising

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Powerboats Catamaran Powerboats Catamaran : Small Cats Powerboats V-hull : Cruisers Powerboats V-hull : Other