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 | Hullform  Hullform is the name given to a family of hull design programs. They have been continuously developed since the 1980s, running initially on a large mainframe computer (remember those?), then on IBM-compatible PCs running MS-DOS (remember those?). It now runs under Windows (including Windows 7) and "x86"-based Linux systems. The source files, Makefile and LCC-win32 project file are now available for download.
These files are provided without warranty of any kind, and no support is offered. (Added: 4-Jan-2004 Hits: 67115) | Rate | Visit
 | Bearboat  Robert Livingston's Free kayak design software is suitable for designing strip built small craft hulls. Easy to use, prints out bulkhead patterns. Connects to free kayak performance prediction software. (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 34258) | Rate | Visit
 | FREE!ship  FREE!ship is a surface-modeler for designing ships.FREE!ship uses subdivisiong surfaces rather then NURBS to create any type of hullshape. Further more, FREE!ship is open-source and totally free. (Added: 5-Jun-2005 Hits: 103768) | Rate | Visit
 | BoatExpress  Boat Design Software for Amateur Boat Builder or Professional. Site offer the free download of BoatExpress v 1.0. and the user guide.BoatExpress is a Windows mouse driven CAD that support the full process of boat design from hull definition to VPP.
Design follow the steps as defined in classical boat design. For the Naval architecture student or the amateur boat designer/builder witout a budget. No commercial intent. (Added: 8-Nov-2006 Hits: 42193) | Rate | Visit
 | Egoist - a coastal sailer  Dedicated to a plywood coastal sailer easily built with stitch and glue epoxy techniques. Plans may be downloaded for free by anyone who wishes to build. (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 133742) | Rate | Visit
 | The Scow  Free online design and building instructions for a 12' sailing scow, by Andrew Gibbens. (Added: 30-Aug-2000 Hits: 61669) | Rate | Visit
 | Sunapee 22 Plans  Free Online Plans for the Sunapee 22' Cruiser designed by Carl Gage (1935). (Added: 9-Jan-2001 Hits: 99607) | Rate | Visit
 | Eddy Shipbuilding Corp.  Plans from the 1940's including a 32' cruiser and fishing boat, runabouts and utility boats from 12'-9" to 18', a 1943 Coast Guard Lifeboat, and a 13' Sailboat. (Added: 19-Jun-2001 Hits: 145607) | Rate | Visit
 | Baidarka  Free plans for building a 19' baidarka canoe. (Added: 1-Aug-2001 Hits: 106438) | Rate | Visit
 | bareHULL.3D  3D Models for the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Interests. (Added: 20-Sep-2015 Hits: 198751) | Rate | Visit
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