- Books (11)
| Books on canoe and kayak building and design. |
- Rowing Shells (37)
| Builders of rowing shells. |
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 | Applegate Boatworks  Taped seam plywood boats both as completed boats and as building plans. From 8' to 20' and (Added: 01-Jun-1999 Hits: 6028) | Rate | Visit
 | Atlantic 17 Dory  Information, photographs, and owner submissions regarding the Atlantic 17 rowing dory, which is available as a complete stock plan. (Added: 9-Feb-2012 Hits: 1053) | Rate | Visit
 | Aukje  Maarten Adriaans builds an Ian Oughtred Acorn tender, a rather small but voluminous little boat. (Added: 5-Feb-2001 Hits: 4920) | Rate | Visit
 | Black Creek Small Boat  Dedicated to the building of small boats by the home boat builder. Follow the progress of completed and current boat building projects. Formerly known as Rich's Boating Pages. (Added: 22-Apr-2001 Hits: 6874) | Rate | Visit
 | Black River Boats  Building environmentally sound wooden Electric Boats for over fifteen years. (Added: 8-Apr-2001 Hits: 4708) | Rate | Visit
 | Boathouse Woodworks  Builds collectible-quality, usable Adirondack guideboats and restores antique wooden boats using traditional methods and materials; also offers accessories. (Added: 20-Feb-2001 Hits: 3853) | Rate | Visit
 | Bobcat Boats Inc.  Pirogues and Electric Boats designed by Louisiana fisherman Russ Yeager. Since 1988, Dave Thompson has carried on the tradition - building Bobcats at our new shop in Gloster, LA. (Added: 19-Nov-1999 Hits: 4984) | Rate | Visit
 | Brad Rice  Builder of dinghies and other custom small boats. (Added: 13-Feb-2000 Hits: 3837) | Rate | Visit
 | Bruce's Boats  Personal page of Bolger boats: Nymph, Diablo, Aircraft Carrier, Skimmer, Pirogue, Micro Sailboat and more to come. (Added: 29-Aug-2001 Hits: 4294) | Rate | Visit
 | Building a Plywood Console Skiff  The record of the building of a plywood Console Skiff (from Glen-L Marine Designs). The site will be updated as construction progresses. (Added: 31-Oct-1999 Hits: 5752) | Rate | Visit
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Top : Boatbuilders : Canoes Kayaks and Rowboats

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