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 | Fyne Boat Kits  Build yourself or ready built sailing, rowing, canoe, and kayak kits. (Added: 21-Mar-2000 Hits: 15115) | Rate | Visit
 | G.O.Yachts  This yacht is a totally new concept in off the beach sailing dingy's and a new approach to building your own boat.
The Mako 4.8 is a complete Digital Kit with all the information to construct your own 4.8 metre sailing dingy. (Added: 22-Dec-2008 Hits: 3244) | Rate | Visit
 | Jarcat Marine  Designer of the famous Jarcat range of proven trailerable sailing catamarans, and coastal cruising catamarans for amateur construction. (Added: 6-Jan-2010 Hits: 2578) | Rate | Visit
 | JW-Marinedesign  We produce explanatory boat plans and makes special design solutions suited for homebuilders and smaller boat building yards. (Added: 29-Jan-2011 Hits: 16362) | Rate | Visit
 | Linnartz-Adema Houten Botenbouw  Designs and builds small, open, sail, oar and motorboats. Kit boats include Lobster Sloop complete with materials for the hull, inside and out, centre boardcase and rudder plus a how-to-build video. Finished like this she can immediately be used for rowing or with an outboard. Heerlen, Netherlands. (Added: 9-Feb-2005 Hits: 5489) | Rate | Visit
 | Mill Boats  Plans and kit for building in wood, aluminum, steel and composites
Rowing, sailing, motoring, Catamarans and Trimarans. Innovative method for building in wood/epoxy. CNC kits. (Added: 18-Apr-2006 Hits: 8392) | Rate | Visit
 | Mill Boats  Several models of boats in kit preciselly cut and easy to assemble. Top quality plywood made in Holland. (Added: 11-Jun-2004 Hits: 8598) | Rate | Visit
 | NIS Boats  Distributor for Norwalk Island Sharpies worldwide. Plans, precut kits, sails, mast and tabernacle systems that allow raising masts and sails in well under 10mins - perhaps the fastest rigging trailer boats in the world. (Added: 12-Dec-2006 Hits: 4188) | Rate | Visit
 | Noah Thompson Design  Kitset Boats: Power Catamarans, Monohulls, Dive Boats, Barges. Aluminium or Composite. (Added: 28-Sep-2013 Hits: 772) | Rate | Visit
 | Pigmy Boats Inc.  Ultralight boat Kits are "1/3 the Price and 30% lighter than Fiberglass." Solo, double, and triple sea kayaks and rowing skiff plans and kits. (Added: 1-Nov-1999 Hits: 10580) | Rate | Visit
 | Pith Pontoon Kits  Easy to build with no welding required Aluminum pontoon boat, dock and raft kits. Very economical. (Added: 28-May-2003 Hits: 9372) | Rate | Visit
 | Platypus Boats  We build kits and complete boats featuring the classic San Francisco Pelicans, Tridarka Raider trimaran and others. (Added: 9-Jan-2010 Hits: 2337) | Rate | Visit
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