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 | Action Fish Kayak Kits  Specialized manufacturer of wood strip kayak kits and wooden kayaks. Online ordering, FAQ and kayak design information. (Added: 8-Jun-2004 Hits: 11634) | Rate | Visit
 | Advanced kit boats from Working Boats UK  Advanced kit boats. Workstar 17 & 14 Prefix powerboat kits. Affordable, rapidly & easily built by anyone, anywhere. Modern wooden boatbuilding. Outboard powered, trailerable. Tested, proven. (Added: 30-Sep-1999 Hits: 34274) | Rate | Visit
 | Alumar Yacht Kits & CNC Cutting Files  Customized steel and aluminium pre-cut kits and CNC cutting files with a full range of designs by Dudley Dix. Also tailor made cutting files to customer specs. (Added: 21-Dec-2006 Hits: 15037) | Rate | Visit
 | Arch Davis Design  boat plans, kits and videos
for the backyard boatbuilder for sailboats, powerboats and rowboats (Added: 25-Sep-1999 Hits: 40185) | Rate | Visit
 | Bolton Profiles Limited - Profiling Services  Boat kits and related items cut and etched by state of the art high - definition plasma. Full CNC and CAD controls. Lloyds approved grade A steel shotblast and primed in stock. We cut for many of the worlds top designers such as the Bruce Robert's spray series and so on for the UK and Irish markets. Trawlers, power boats, landing craft, canal boats, barges and all types of craft and related products.
An ISO 9001:2000 Quality Assured Company fully UKAS approved.
We also manufacture and stock valves, flanges and many other related products. (Added: 12-Sep-2006 Hits: 8826) | Rate | Visit
 | Branson Boat Design Limited  We produce a wide range of boat styles and also take on bespoke work. Replica Schooners, Dutch barges and Coasters in steel. Plasma profile steel kits supplied of our standard designs or will custom design and supply as required. (Added: 27-Jan-2007 Hits: 9234) | Rate | Visit
 | Bruce Roberts Yacht Design  Boat plans, fiberglas and wood/epoxy plus steel and aluminum boat kits, boatbuilding books, hull and deck kits and complete boats. (Added: 4-Mar-2000 Hits: 24815) | Rate | Visit
 | Compu-Craft Yacht Designs  Full size building plans and KITS for Cruising Yachts - Centreboard or Keelers, Multihulls - Cats, Tris, Proas (power and sail)- Power Boats - Cruisers and Catamarans. See our regular Newsletters. (Added: 9-Sep-2003 Hits: 20881) | Rate | Visit
 | Conrad Yachts  We offer plans, pre-cut metal boat kits(and /or)cutting files, custom marine design services, 3D surface modeling, custom boat design in aluminum and fiberglass. (Added: 17-Apr-2003 Hits: 12088) | Rate | Visit
 | Custom Pontoon Boat Kits etc.  Dealer of aluminum pontoon boat kits, and accessories. Everything you need to build your own pontoon boat. Serving Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. (Added: 10-Jul-2001 Hits: 30101) | Rate | Visit
 | Duck Flat Wooden Boats  Australia's biggest supplier of boat plans, kits and materials. Runs boatbuilding schools several times a year.
Agents for Iain Oughtred, Michael Storer, John Welsford, Wooden Boat, Derek Kelsall, CLC (Chesapeake Light Craft), Payson/Bolger and many others. (Added: 19-Dec-2006 Hits: 7205) | Rate | Visit
 | euroship services  Designer and producer of boat builidng kit hulls and sail-away versions of kotter, dutch barges, tugs and sloops. (Added: 23-Dec-2006 Hits: 5384) | Rate | Visit
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Top : Boat Plans : Boat Kits

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